Sunday, January 16, 2011

About my Grandma

Respect your elders.  Surely, they did not know my Grandma when they said that.  I try to respect her, but she's kind of kooky or quirky...or whatever word you want to use to make "deranged old lady with dementia, on a mission to blow herself up," sound more respectful.

Grandma's activities are entirely too much for one blog, but we'll cover the more notable experiences. Let's talk about Grandma's mode of transportation.  She was driving a truck, but since that would've been about 500 to fix, and her car would only cost thousands...she fixed the car.  No, it doesn't make sense.  She has several arguments for why it makes sense, but that's a whole other topic to blog about some other time.

Grandma owns a jack, and so does my Deputy...but Grandma is eager to get to work, and so she does this to her car...

Then, she proceeds to work on it.  Long story short, she traded some of her stuff for a relative to fix it.  They did not opt to use her version of a jack :)  The car runs now.

Grandma is often remarking on the cleanliness of other cars, specifically the Deputy's work truck.  Deputy tries to offer her advice on keeping her vehicles clean.  Grandma gets offended.  Why?  See the list :)

Deputy's Advice to Grandma
  1. Stop smoking in your vehicle
  2. If you must smoke, do not flick ashes everywhere
  3. If you must smoke, empty ash tray often
  4. Place opened drinks in the cupholders
  5. Stop placing opened drinks on vehicle seat, dash, and floor, esp while driving the vehicle
  6. If you transport weed-eaters, blowers, gas cans, etc, place them in the trunk
  7. Remove trash from your car
  8. Get the car washed
She gets mad, but if she just followed the list, her vehicles could be clean!  She also does not see the concern in driving around, flicking ashes next to a partially filled gas can, or other gas powered lawn equipment.  I think the only thing preventing her from bursting into flames is the excessive amount of spilled Pepsi.

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