Friday, December 31, 2010

9pm and all is well...or is it?

9pm is great.  It's so wonderful.  It's the exact moment in the day where I sense impending relief as I call out to The Posse.  "It's BED TIME!"  I am overcome with joy as I plan what DVR'd show I will watch without interruptions.  The first moment to myself!

BoyCrazy is so fed up with her family by this point.  I can't really blame her.  She sneaks a quick hug and "love you" in, then runs off.  Heaven forbid that someone might know that she still loves & needs her mom.

Mastermind is not ready for bed.  He doesn't really sleep.  Something, somewhere, needs to be taken apart and investigated and it is urgent.  If he doesn't do something right this minute, he might explode.  I decide to not battle with him just yet, and send him to brush his teeth while I focus on the remaining children.  That should make things easier, right?

Hambone loves to sleep.  He also loves brushing his teeth.  No problem getting him to bed.  Two kids down, I'm on a roll :)

Pinky isn't fond of bedtime.  She isn't fond of Mastermind, either.  She doesn't like that he's still up.  She is convinced that he is hiding somewhere and going to scare her again.  She cries, again.

Where is my freaking Deputy?  He is great at calming Pinky down when she's being unreasonable.  Oh yeah, Deputy's not here.  He's at work.  Lucky him!

Ok, Pinky go to Daddy's spot in the bed.  Mastermind go to your bed.  All's well and I can look thought the DVR.

Until Mastermind starts waking Hambone up.  Poopaccino wants to nurse.  Pinky has a night terror.  Mastermind tries to help.  Boycrazy gets mad at Pinky and Mastermind.  Hambone gets mad about the noise from Boycrazy, Pinky and Mastermind.

I need backup.  WHERE IS THAT DEPUTY?  Who cares what is on the DVR, get me some ice cream and some Calgon!

Good night, Posse!  You are a very enjoyable group after 9am, but not so much after 9pm!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My sanity is in question

I'm starting a blog.  I'm not really sure why.  Maybe it's because I feel like I should do something new for the new year.  Maybe it is because I feel like I don't have enough going on already.  Maybe I just feel like I'm the only person who doesn't blog.

BoyCrazy, age 13

It all started when I said, "Go to bed."  When I say those words, I always envision the cute little scene that my 13-year-old daughter, BoyCrazy, always writes about.  She has this idealistic perception of their little feet pitter-pattering to their rooms, with me following behind to tuck them in and kiss them goodnight.  It's a great story...but it never happens.

Most nights, it's exactly opposite of that.  At 8pm, The Posse is supposed to read or color, and take showers, in preparation for their 9pm bedtime.  My husband, we will call him my Deputy, is usually at work for this portion of the night.  Lucky him!

Pinky, age 3.  Yes, this is her normal picture face.
Hambone, age 7 Mastermind, age 11

BoyCrazy is feeling lots of teenage angst at this time, and starts unleashing her mood swings on everyone in sight.  She loves you, yet hates you all in the same breath.  The 11-year-old boy, Mastermind, starts hiding around the house and scaring the 7-year-old boy, Hambone.  Mastermind also makes it his mission to make 3-year-old girl, Pinky, cry.  Pinky does cry, every single night.  Unaffected by the noise and drama in the household, infant Poopaccino continues to smile and be adorable.

 Poopaccino, age 3 months

Battles and tears continue, while I question my purpose on the Earth.  I end up saying things like, "Stop talking to each other," only to realize that statement requires clarification.  I have to say, "No, really...stop speaking to each other.  Stop saying words.  Stop making noises of all kinds.  Don't look at each other.  Don't touch each other.  Don't pretend to look or touch or speak to each other."

This stuff continues on until 9pm.  Then, The Posse goes to bed and it's quiet in the house.

HAHAHA!  Did you actually believe that the night ends there?  Stay tuned for what happens when The Posse goes to bed.